The Senior Partner met the Irish Delegation



On April 24th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met with Mr. Enda Kennny, T.D., Leader of Fine Gael (main opposition party in Ireland); Mr. Billy Timmins, T.D., member of Fine Gael and Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs; Mr. Alan Shatter, T. D, member of Fine Gael and member of the Parliamentary Joint Committee for Foreign Affairs; Mr. Pat Breen, T.D., member of Fine Gael; Mr. Jim Carroll, Representative of Ireland to the Palestinian Authority; Ms. Clare Brosnan, Deputy Representative of Ireland to the Palestinian Authority; and  Mr. Mark Kennelly, Fine Gael official. The meeting took place at the site of the demolished American International School in Gaza. Mr. Al Zaeem briefed them about the School and its destruction during Israeli Operation Cast Lead, as well as the current political and social situation after the Israeli war and closure imposed on Gaza Strip that affects the industrial, health, social, political, and economical sectors in Gaza.