The Senior Partner met the American Delegation


 On May 9th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem received U.S. Consul General Stephen W. Buck; President of The J. William & Harriet Fulbright Center, Mr. Harriet Fulbright; Director of the Office for Central Europe and Eurasia at the National Academies, Mr. Glenn E. Schweitzer; Mr. Richard W. Bliss, Attorney at Law; and additional members of the American Delegation visiting the Gaza Strip, including Mr. Michael T. Thomas, Mr. R. Mike Abel, Ms. Lawrene J. Nader, Mr. Lovie Woodall and Mr. Marolyn Woodall at his home in Gaza. The current situation in Gaza after the Israeli war discussed and Mr. Al Zaeem briefed them on the negative effects of the closure imposed on the Gaza Strip, urging them to put the necessary pressure on the new American government to start dealing with the Middle East problem with more focus and caring for the Palestinian people and Gaza. The delegation members promised to carry this message back to the United States and expressed support for balanced American relations in the Middle East.