The Senior Partner met Quartet Representative Mr. Tony Blair in Ramallah


 On May 5th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, visiting Ramallah as a Representative of the Quartet; Mr. Jihad Al Wazir, the Governor of the Palestine Monetary Authority; as well as Gazan bankers and representatives of the Association of Banks in Palestine (ABP). The cash crisis in the Gaza Strip was discussed thoroughly. Mr. Al Zaeem provided a document, drafted as a joint effort between the Association of Banks in Palestine and the private sector, clarifying how the current restrictions over currencies creates an atmosphere in which banks have been struggling to meet demands, such as paying the Palestinian Authority salaries or implementation costs for assistance programs funded and vetted by international donors (e.g., the European Commission and World Bank). The document was provided to Dr. Jihad Al Wazir, who then endorsed it and presented it to Mr. Blair, who assured those concerned that he was focused on resolving this issue.