The Senior Partner met Northern Irish republican leader and Sinn Fein's President Mr. Gerry Adams


On April 8th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Northern Irish Republican leader and President of Sinn Fein, Mr. Gerry Adams, at the site of the demolished American International School in Gaza, which was leveled January 6th 2009 during the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip. Mr. Al Zaeem briefed him on the destroyed school and the general situation in the Gaza Strip. 

On April 9th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Mr. Adams at the field office of UNRWA for an extensive meeting where the issues of the internal Palestinian conflict, as well as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, were raised.  Mr. Al Zaeem and the rest of the Palestinian delegation explained the difficulties faced by the people of Gaza, and asked Mr. Adams to use his good offices to put the necessary pressure on the Israeli government to achieve a long lasting peace agreement.