Results 120 - 126 from 140 | Total pages: 20

The Senior Partner met the Irish Delegation

  On April 24th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met with Mr. Enda Kennny, T.D., Leader of Fine Gael (main opposition party in Ireland); Mr. Billy Timmins, T.D., member of Fine Gael and Shadow Minister ...

The Senior Partner met the International Labour Organization (ILO) Delegation

 On April 21st 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Mr. Friedrich Buttler, Special Representative of the Director-General; Mr. Martin Oelz, Equality, Migrant Workers and Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Team...

The Senior Partner met Northern Irish republican leader and Sinn Fein's President Mr. Gerry Adams

On April 8th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Northern Irish Republican leader and President of Sinn Fein, Mr. Gerry Adams, at the site of the demolished American International School in Gaza, which was le...

The Senior Partner met the United States Congressional Delegation, Mr. Bob Inglis and Mr. Stephen F. Lynch

On April 7th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Congressmen Bob Inglis and Stephen F. Lynch who expressed shock upon seeing the complete destruction of the American School, as well as the devastation across ...

The Senior Partner attended a videoconference meeting with Quartet Representative, Mr. Tony Blair

  On April 7th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem attended a videoconference meeting with Quartet Representative, Mr. Tony Blair, along with representatives of the private and banking sectors. Problems as...

The Senior Partner met the International Council of Swedish Industry Members

On April 6th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Ambassador Bjorn Sternby, the Acting Secretary General of Palestine International Business Forum, as well as members of the International Council of Swedish In...

The Senior Partner met the German Delegation

On March 31st 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Ms. Kerstin Muller, Member of the German Bundestag Foreign Policy Spokeswoman for the Alliance 90/The Green Parliamentary Group Former Minister of State; Mr. ...