Results 113 - 119 from 140 | Total pages: 20

The Senior Partner met Former United States President Mr. Jimmy Carter

  On June 16th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Former United States President and Founder of the Carter Center, Jimmy Carter, at the site of the destroyed American International School in Gaza. Mr....

The Senior Partner met the representatives of the Representative Office of Switzerland

  On June 14th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met representatives of the Representative Office of Switzerland to the Palestinian Authority, Deputy Head Mr. Conny Camenzind and Mr. Roland Steininger, a...

The Senior Partner met Her Excellency Sheikha Hissa Khalifa Ahmad Al Than and Mr. Michael Fox, Member of the Order of Australia (AM)

  On Thursday, June 11th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem as the chairman of Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children, received The UN Special Rapporteur on Disability, H/E Sheikha Hissa Khalifa Ahmad Al Than...

The Senior Partner met the Delegation of Members of the EU National Parliaments

On June 9th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met the following delegation of members of the EU National Parliaments, led by Miloslav Vlček, Chairman of the Chamber of Deputes of the Czech Parliament who are vi...

The Senior Partner met the American Delegation

 On May 9th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem received U.S. Consul General Stephen W. Buck; President of The J. William & Harriet Fulbright Center, Mr. Harriet Fulbright; Director of the Office for Cen...

The Senior Partner met Quartet Representative Mr. Tony Blair in Ramallah

 On May 5th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, visiting Ramallah as a Representative of the Quartet; Mr. Jihad Al Wazir, the Governor of the Palestine Monetary ...

The Senior Partner met Mr. Philip Brennan, the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union

 On April 27th 2009, Mr. Al Zaeem met Mr. Philip Brennan, the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, along with other members of his delegation, at the site of the destroy...