Results 92 - 98 from 140 | Total pages: 20

RN Announcement: Sharhabeel Al-Zaeem joins International Advisory Board

    Right to Nonviolence welcomes lawyer Sharhabeel Al-Zaeem to its Board of Advisors. "This is a significant, decisive link between the Arab Spring  and the Middle E...

Introducing new Industrial and other related laws to Palestinian Federation of Industries' Board members Workshop

Introducing new Industrial and other related laws to Palestinian Federation of Industries' Board members Workshop

Mr. Sharhabeel Al Zaeem has been assigned to lecture "Introduction to Law" in Al Azhar University – Gaza

Mr. Sharhabeel Al Zaeem has been assigned to lecture "Introduction to Law" at the faculty of Commerce/English Department in Al Azhar University – Gaza. In this occasion, Al Zaee...

Global Award

    It is our great pleasure to announce that Mr. Al Zaeem has been successfully chosen as the winner of the Corporate Intl Magazine 2011 Global Award for: “General Business...

The Senior Partner received the President of the European Parliament, Mr. Jerzy Buzek

On June 13th 2011, on behalf of Atfaluna society for deaf children (ASDC), Mr. Al Zaeem, ASDC Chairman, officially welcomed Mr. Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, and other Europe...

The Senior Partner received the European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid, and Crisis Response, Ms. Kristalina Georgieva, and EU Representative Mr. Christian Berger

  On May 16th 2011, on behalf of Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children (ASDC), ASDC Chairman Mr. Al Zaeem, received Ms. Kristalina Georgieva, the European Commissioner for International Coope...

The Senior Partner met the Republic of Cyprus Ambassador, Mr. Tasos A. Tzionis

  On November 11th 2010, Mr. Al Zaeem met the Republic of Cyprus Ambassador, Mr. Tasos A. Tzionis, in Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children (ASDC). The current situation in the Gaza Strip was...