Loujain Sharhabeel Yousef Alzaeem-Senior Partner


* Ms. Loujain Sharhabeel Al-Zaeem has been the senior partner at Al-Zaeem & Associates since April 2024.


* Ms. Loujain Al-Zaeem joined Al-Zaeem & Associates in 2015, where she completed her training and then joined the team of the lawyers working in the firm.


*Ms. Loujain Al-Zaeem has extensive experience in various fields of law, including civil law, commercial law, corporate law, labor law, and the law of Charitable Associations and Non-Governmental Organizations, in addition to her experience in the field of intellectual property.


* Ms. Loujain Al-Zaeem also has her academic contributions. In addition to her participation in many legal conferences at the international and local levels, she worked as a lecturer at Al-Azhar University at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Business Administration- English departments between 2020-2022. 


*Ms. Loujain Al-Zaeem holds a Master’s degree in Law (L.L.M) from “SOAS” University of London (London, UK) in 2018. (Dissertation title "The Application of the Human Right to Water in the Occupied Palestinian Territories”)


*She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Law from Al-Azhar University in Gaza in 2015 (with first class honor degree).


* She is also a licenced legal translator (Arabic-English) approved by the Ministry of Justice since 2021.