Today, and among his regular practice as an attorney and arbitrator with many banks, corporations, local and international development agencies, insurance companies, etc., Mr. Al Zaeem also acts as the legal consultant to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.
Other important clients include Representative Offices to the Palestinian Authority and international companies from Europe, the United States and Japan.
Some of our most prominent and well-known clients include:

Results 22 - 25 from 25 | Total pages: 4

Medical Supplies

Details coming soon ...

ATFALUNA Society for Deaf Children

Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children, a registered Palestinian NGO located in Gaza city, has been working in the field of deaf education and allied services since 1992. Literally thousands of deaf children and adults and their families are served annually at Atfaluna through deaf education, audiology, speech therapy, income generating programs for the deaf, vocational training, parents', teachers’ and community training and awareness programs, and a host of other services and programs.